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17,35 €


Forquilha de embraiagem guiada diâmetro 16 mm para Volkswagen Carocha (08/1970-10/1971)

Forquilha de embraiagem com batente guiado.
Diâmetro do veio: 16 mm
Comprimento: 200 mm
Fornecido em bruto, sem casquilhos.

Para VW Beetle, Karmann-Ghia, Tipo 3, Kübel 181,
Anos: (08/1970-10/1971)...

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Qtd :

Fica apenas 5 em stock

ref : VS31600

Fica apenas 5 em stock

Taxas de envio

Retirada de armazém de Wambrechies : Oferta.

Envio ao domicílio : sob orçamento.

Enviado por MECATECHNIC em : segunda-feira, 27 de maio de 2024

Descrição Produto

Detalhes sobre : Forquilha de embraiagem guiada diâmetro 16 mm para Volkswagen Carocha (08/1970-10/1971)

Forquilha de embraiagem com batente guiado.
Diâmetro do veio: 16 mm
Comprimento: 200 mm
Fornecido em bruto, sem casquilhos.

Para VW Beetle, Karmann-Ghia, Tipo 3, Kübel 181,
Anos: (08/1970-10/1971)

Referência de origem :

113 141 701E

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The part has a manufacturing defect the end that suppose to go into the bushing was out of spec it was more of an oval than being round. it suppose to be 14mm in diameter but measured 13.5 - 14.4 mm. the return request turned out to be a pain in the ........ since this was part of a conversion package it caused a lot of confusion. customer service insisted that they need to know what car it goes in and i'm promptly being told "hey that's the wrong part for you" if the "specialist" would have look into the packing list they should have noticed i also bought the - turn a non guided box into a guided box set. regardless of all this - if a part has a manufacturing defect it doesn't matter where you want to install it - it will not work, period. it is the difference between a part is broken or it doesn't fit the model. obviously the manufacturer doesn't have a quality assurance process. now i've been punished to send it back on my dime for a part you can through into the garbage can. i have ordered quite a lot of parts from mecatechnic but this experience makes me think twice do order anything again! btw - i had to call customer service after several days of no response

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Hello Indeed, when we have this type of request, we need the vehicle documents to check the compatibility with your vehicle, but also to provide the supplier with all the information to justify that it is not a compatibility defect, but the part. A part that is not compatible with the vehicle will not fit, but this does not mean that it is damaged. Buying other items does not necessarily mean that these items are for the same vehicle - we have many customers who place a single order for several vehicles. We understand that this procedure may seem unnecessary, but it is our way of helping you and providing you with the best possible service. We look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely. MECATECHNIC

Martin F .

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Compatibilidade do veículo

Volkswagen Carocha :